The Official Website of Islamic Development and Education Association of Cambodia
Our Program
Waqaf Water Wells



Waqaf Water Wells Project


“The believers are steadfast in prayers, and in whose wealth there is a right acknowledged, for the poor and the destitute.” 70:22-24

“When a man dies his actions come to an end except for three: an ongoing charity; knowledge that benefits

others or pious offspring who pray for him.”  HR Muslim

“Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public have their reward with their Rabb

(only God & Sustainer). On them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve.” 2:274



What’s going on?






Access to fresh water means people live healthier and overall wellbeing is enhanced. IDEA's water well project allows people to access

safe and clean drinking water. We intend to continue our efforts of providing fresh water resources.


One water well can serve many people in their villages. Please donate a water well as a means of continuous reward (Sadaqah Jaariyah)

or in memory of our late ones to help eliminate the spread of disease and provide the needy with the basic essential of clean water.



How to participate in this waqaf well?


Please contact us via Call/WhatsApp: (+855) 12 340 916 or click the button Donate to participate,

We will contact you as soon as possible to help you make the contributions.